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Tips to Stay Healthy On-the-Go February 07, 2022 Alternate Text

Sometimes we don’t always have the chance to prepare our lunches everyday which means we may need to eat out. But we still can make healthy food choices when eating out or when buying ‘convenient’ foods. Here are 8 facts about healthy eating on-the-go:

  1. When choosing to eat a salad, keep the salad dressing simple by using a healthy vinegar or lemon juice, olive oil, Himalayan salt.
  2. All diet drinks are linked to inflammation, digestive disorders, and disease. 
  3. Under-salted food may be a disservice to your health. To clarify, the right salt to consume is essential (i.e. Himalayan salt) and understanding the need for salt in our diet. Salt serves as a healthy electrolyte and helps maintain proper blood pressure if used properly. It also helps to keep our capillaries pliable. Himalayan salt has a minimum of 84 elements our bodies require. Balance is key.
  4. Low-cholesterol ads and labels are a fat trap. They are designed to psychologically trick you into thinking cholesterol is bad for you. We NEED cholesterol, but the right kind. Consuming these products will only lead to consuming foods that contain additives to replace the flavour that comes from healthy fats.
  5. Unless homemade with minimal and heart-healthy ingredients, energy bars, protein bar, and granola bars are filled with high levels of low-nutrient fillers and sweeteners such as HFCS (high fructose corn syrup). It is hidden behind other ingredients that are designed to make you think they are healthy when they are not.
  6. Bagels, unless made at home with also heart-healthy ingredients, contain significant amounts of refined sugar and fat in the form of detrimental omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids.
  7. Counting calories is a misconception. To be clear, we do need to be conscious of our caloric intake to an extent. However, when eating nutrient dense foods such as vegetables, fruits, and healthy proteins, our caloric intake will be full, not empty. One bagel is equivalent to a high unlimited amount of vegetables. A bagel will not carry you long. But eating nutrient dense vegetables and protein will fuel you right with less caloric intake.
  8. Consumption of red meat that is NOT processed has not been associated with increased risk of heart disease, cancer, or mortality. That said, red meat should be consumed in minimal amounts (twice a week or 8 times a month). And, organically raised, grass-fed, free roaming, would be best.

Follow the iHEALTHe® Wellness life-altering and life-inspiring Reset Program and learn it for life! You will learn about the best foods to eat and all their nutritional values and how to fully benefit from the way these foods are utilized and combined.

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