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Stop Blaming Yourself December 06, 2021 Alternate Text

Ever hear someone say or perhaps you’ve heard yourself say, “I did a lot of emotional eating and put on so much weight. My own fault.” Well, this doesn’t sit right with us at iHEALTHe® Wellness. We understand the perceived logic, but we’d have to add a little more information to that statement and then let’s see if it’s a valid statement any longer. 

As it has been said here before, the body functions by way of chemistry. This means how it always deals with all things such as food, stress, physical activity, rest, nutrients, hormones, environment, genetics, medications, and any other force that can be applied to the body.  All of these can have, in most cases, a negative reaction on the body, its gut flora, thoughts, and mood. 

To put it simply, your mind is pretty much along for the ride once these processes, one at a time or all at once, pile on and conspire to put you into a tailspin. 

Read this statement very carefully and think on it – “the gut is the first brain and the anchor to your health”.

Now here is the question of the ages: “Which came first – the chicken or the egg?”  In other words, who is to blame for this tailspin you’re in? It begs the question – did the tailspin make you emotionally eat or did the very beginning of unhealthy eating put your gut out of balance, which put you into a tailspin and you can’t seem to shake it?

Emotional eating rarely gravitates to broccoli and tofu. It gravitates to foods that are chemically designed to keep you coming back for more. These are processed, sugary, and fast foods. Foods that not only hit all the joy spots in the brain, but also come with next to no nutrients so that you can’t stop eating them even if you’re full. Do you think you asked to be overweight, be tired all the time, and need medical intervention for autoimmune issues? Do you believe you were born thinking, “I can’t wait until I get heavy and unhealthy”? No one asked to be a member of that club and yet here we are. 

If you’d like to take responsibility for something, then take responsibility for putting your foot down when it’s the hardest thing to do. 

Take responsibility for going against your body’s out-of-wack chemistry and demanding of yourself that you will be taking action to create the new you. The you that isn’t dependent on the things that cause your cravings because to say “ENOUGH!“ actually is enough when you have the correct plan in place. You don’t need anything more than your conviction to turn things around and iHEALTHe® Wellness is right beside you. 

You were not responsible for choosing incorrectly when your guard was down. You were not responsible for the labs that purposely designed foods to get you addicted to them. 

You are only responsible for looking at it all, for what it is, being duped into it. Knowing that it’s just wrong for your wants and needs is moving forward and now you’re doing something about it 

iHEALTHe® is here so that you get it done in only 31 days and done right –through WELLNESS

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